CIGAR BAND Ring, Enamel
CIGAR BAND Ring, Enamel
Created for cigar manufacturers to help customers distinguish counterfeits, cigar bands showcase the craftsmanship and creativity of each cigar maker. Inspired by the iconography of cigar bands, this ring is a mini work of art. Vertically stacked golden pillars adorned at the front with 5 diamonds and 4 enamel buttons (that you can customize to your personal taste), this substantial “mob wife” ring pairs well with faux fur jackets and Gucci slides.
The width of this ring is 8mm and it is crafted from 18K certified recycled gold.
We recommend this ring for the index, middle, and ring fingers. For additional size options, please email so we can help you with a custom order.
All of our pieces are made to order in India and finished in New York City. Because of the custom, hand-made nature of each piece, we ask that you allow 4-6 weeks to receive your order. We promise, it will be worth the wait.